Carpinteria Children's Project

Healthy families. Successful children. Strong community.

It takes a village to raise a child, and the Carpinteria Children’s Project aims to coordinate the efforts in the village so that all families and children are healthy and successful. We are the coordinating hub of the Thrive Carpinteria Partner Network, a formal partnership of early childhood education and social services providers who serve families as a team. Even with the network, there are some gaps in services in Carpinteria, and so the Carpinteria Children’s Project provides direct services in early childhood education and family support. When other gaps in available services arise, we reach out to other resources in the county to fill them.

The Carpinteria Children’s Project contributes to and learns from efforts across Santa Barbara County.  We actively contribute to the Network of Family Resource Centers, the Pediatric Resilience Collaborative hosted by Cottage Health, and KIDS Network hosted by the Department of Social Services.