Creative Art Works

Founded in 1986, Creative Art Works seeks to empower young people through the visual and multimedia arts. Our programs equip children, teens and young adults with essential tools and skills; connect them with community, academic success and career opportunities; and inspire them to reach for new possibilities. Working in underserved neighborhoods of NYC, in public schools, community centers, parks, supportive housing, and juvenile justice settings, CAW provides dynamic creative youth development for those who otherwise lack access. Our programs build confidence, unlock a love of learning, and teach valuable technical and social-emotional skills while creating profound connections between our young constituents, their art and their communities. 

 CAW enacts its mission through four core programs: Public Art Youth Employment, In-School, Out-of-School-Time, and Community Art-Making. Programs not only expose students to the arts, but encourage personal growth, community engagement, and positive academic behaviors. Through CAW programs, youth develop tangible creative, employment, and life skills including leadership, teamwork, and responsibility. Students are never charged for participation.