California Health Care Foundation

The California Health Care Foundation is dedicated to advancing meaningful, measurable improvements in the way the health care delivery system provides care to the people of California, particularly those with low incomes and those whose needs are not well served by the status quo. We work to ensure that people have access to the care they need, when they need it, at a price they can afford. 

At the California Health Care Foundation, we know that health care is a basic necessity. We work hard to improve California’s health care system so all Californians can get the care they need.

One out of three Californians lives in or near poverty. Because this group faces the biggest health burden and the greatest barriers to care, our priority is to make sure they have access to high-quality care. We recognize the historical and continued oppression experienced by Black, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, indigenous people, and other racial and ethnic groups. That is why we also work to create a health care system that is designed to redress, and not perpetuate, the inequities that too many of our fellow Californians face.

The best opportunity California has to advance those goals is to strengthen Medi-Cal — the cornerstone of California’s safety net. We are especially focused on strengthening Medi-Cal in the following ways:

  1. Get everyone covered. Right now, three million Californians lack basic health coverage. We need to finish the job and make sure everyone, regardless of income or immigration status, has the opportunity for health that insurance provides. One important part of the solution is to ensure that all Californians who are eligible for Medi-Cal are enrolled in the program.
  2. Deliver care better. There are steps California can take right now to increase access and improve the way care is delivered to people with complex health needs, like those experiencing homelessness or serious mental illness. Those steps include modernizing how care paid for and delivered to allow for more of a “whole-person” approach to care.
  3. Make care just. There is an urgent need to remove the structural barriers that prevent people of color from getting the care they need. CHCF is working to document inequities in the health care system, hold system leaders accountable, and transform care to uphold the dignity that each Californian deserves.

We understand that Medi-Cal is part of a broader health care marketplace, with different sectors that are interrelated. For that reason, CHCF also provides market-wide data and supports programs that improve the state’s broader health care system and make care more affordable for all Californians.