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Impact Opportunity: A Nonprofit Job Board

Impact Opportunity provides a nonprofit job board, content, and tools to support nonprofits, foundations, and mission-driven organizations in building strong teams and individuals pursuing nonprofit and social impact careers and volunteer opportunities.

Nonprofit Career & Recruiting Insights

By Jessye Kass Karlin is the Founder of Jessye Kass Consulting   “Message recruiters” was the networking advice you received… but what does that mean?  “I always write to recruiters, and I never hear back!” “Recruiters never respond to me!” Have you said this or heard this before?  If you’ve felt frustrated by tons of advice about your job search, you’re not alone. If you feel demoralized by your search, you’re not alone. If...
By Emily Walsh For both employers and employees, a new hire’s first 90 days are critical to integrating with the organization’s people and culture. Read on for tips to make the most of your first three months as a new hire. And if you’re a hiring manager, check out our partner piece, Six Ways to Successfully Onboard a Remote Hire . Anticipating the start of a new job is invariably both exciting and daunting. These feelings set in the...
Everyone’s favorite part of the hiring process is extending an offer to a terrific candidate and taking them out for a celebratory lunch after they’ve accepted. It’s decidedly less fun to contact the finalists who weren’t chosen. And on the candidate’s side, turning down an offer, especially after a robust interview process, can be difficult and awkward. This article offers tips for navigating this sensitive and challenging part of hiring...
by Jessye Kass There are many reasons you might work with a career coach at some point in your working life. Career coaches can help you identify transferable skills. They can also help you translate your professional story for a career change to another industry . They can also help you develop a networking strategy or prepare for interviews. Here are some questions and insights to help you find clarity in when to find a...
by Jessye Kass What Is a Career Coach? A tear rolled down Joe’s cheek when I asked him, “What are you most proud of in your current role?” “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying! I just… I feel so lost in my current role,” Joe shared, visibly embarrassed. “Absolutely, no need to apologize. We spend the majority of our lives working, and when we experience pain points or lack of direction within our work, it can affect us deeply....
By Emily Walsh Once you’ve locked in the right person for the right role at your organization, you might understandably breathe a huge sigh of relief. But another crucial task awaits: setting up your new hire for success from their very first day—perhaps even up to their first year.  If your new hire is working remotely, the stakes may feel even higher. Maintaining a strong organizational culture with remote employees is daunting enough...
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