
Impact Opportunity is the destination for nonprofit, social enterprise, Bcorp, CSR, and all other mission-focused recruitment.

We understand the importance of finding qualified professionals for your organization. Impact Opportunity makes the hiring process easy, affordable, and all in one place.

  • List full-time, part-time, entry-level, executive, contractor, intern, volunteer, or board of director positions
  • Candidates apply directly to you via email or your website
  • Postings remain active for up to 60 days
  • Attract candidates to your organization with your logo, link to your website, and a short description
  • Opportunity to Feature your posting for greater visibility
  • Featured jobs receive access to search our resume database
  • Unlimited word count and formatting options
  • Easily repost with saved descriptions
  • Search-optimized for keywords and location

Job Posting

Job postings are active for up to 60 days and will be shared to Google jobs. Purchase must be used within 1 year.


*Postings must be for mission-driven organizations/companies or roles (nonprofit, social enterprise, bcorps, CSR, ESG, impact investing, etc.) 

** We are currently not able to process payment from outside the USA. Please contact if you are trying to purchase from outside the USA.


Featured Job Posting

NEW: Featured Job Postings now include resume access! Search our database of nonprofit and mission-driven candidates in addition to featuring your nonprofit job!

Featured job postings will remain active for up to 60 days and will be featured at the top of the jobs list for greater visibility. Postings will also be shared through our social channels, Google jobs, and our e-newsletter. Purchase must be used within 1 year.

*Postings must be for mission-driven organizations/companies or roles (nonprofit, social enterprise, bcorps, CSR, ESG, impact investing, etc.)

** We are currently not able to process payment from outside the USA. Please contact if you are trying to purchase from outside the USA.


Job Posting 10-Pack

Save 20% with a package of 10 postings to use within 1 year of purchase. Postings are active for up to 60 days and will be shared through Google jobs. Credits will be instantly available in your account.

*Postings must be for mission-driven organizations/companies or roles (nonprofit, social enterprise, bcorps, CSR, ESG, impact investing, etc.)

** We are currently not able to process payment from outside the USA. Please contact if you are trying to purchase from outside the USA.


Featured Job Posting 10-Pack

NEW: Featured Job Postings now include resume access! Search our database of nonprofit and mission-driven candidates in addition to featuring your nonprofit job!

Save 20% with a package of 10 featured postings to use within 1 year of purchase. Postings are active for up to 60 days and will be shared through our social channels, Google jobs, and our e-newsletter. Credits will be instantly available in your account.

*Postings must be for mission-driven organizations/companies or roles (nonprofit, social enterprise, bcorps, CSR, ESG, impact investing, etc.)

** We are currently not able to process payment from outside the USA. Please contact if you are trying to purchase from outside the USA.
