WA Association for Infant Mental Health

Vision: Our vision is for Washington State babies and young children, their families, and service providers, especially those from marginalized communities, to thrive and reach their full potential.

 Mission: We educate, support, and advocate for service providers in Washington State to improve the wellbeing of babies and young children, as we work toward advancing racial equity and belonging for marginalized communities.

 Our Values

Relationships: We support, strengthen, and grow healthy relationships with service providers, partners, and families.

Humanity: In all we do, we center the needs and voices of communities that are and have been silenced.

Accountability: We maintain transparent alignment with our mission and vision by listening and responding to our communities.

Integrity: We commit to maintaining compassion, dignity, and authenticity in everything we do.

Racial and social justice: We commit to aligning our beliefs and practices to lead by example and transform systems that honor and dignify the humanity of marginalized communities.

Humility: We commit to practicing self-awareness, seeking feedback from communities across Washington State and embracing a growth mindset.

WA-AIMH is Washington’s only statewide association for all professionals who support the development of children prenatally through age six. Our role is to train, credential, advocate for and strengthen Washington’s infant and early childhood workforce in a way that is relationship-based, equitable, and informed by the communities that we serve. We also advocate for public policy matters that impact young children and families and the systems of care in our State. Though our work, we help ensure healthy communities and a well-supported, effective workforce now and in the future.

Each year we serve hundreds of professionals in diverse disciplines such as early care and education, early intervention, home visiting, child welfare, community healthcare, mental health, social work, and psychology by 

  • Offering Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant Mental Health for those who work with children birth to age three and their families and integrate IECMH principles into their practice.

  • Providing a variety of professional development and continuing education opportunities to increase skills and knowledge in the field.

  • Increasing provider resiliency and well-being by promoting reflective practice and coordinating opportunities for reflective supervision/consultation.

  • Increasing public awareness of how early relationships and experiences impact development.

  • Fostering partnerships, policies and best practices to better support healthy development in infants, young children and their families.