Broward Housing Solutions

Organizational Overview:

Founded in 1993, Broward Housing Solutions (BHS), one of Broward County’s specialized affordable housing providers, strengthens communities by addressing the serious social issues that contribute to homelessness. BHS provides independent, permanent, and supportive housing to over 400 low-income or homeless persons diagnosed with mental illness and other disabling conditions in affordable rental apartment units across Broward County. Properties are accessible to transportation, employment and educational opportunities, healthcare services, and shopping. One, two and three-bedroom units are available in various cities, throughout Broward County.

BHS owns and operates twenty-one permanent and supportive, multi-family affordable housing complexes, one hundred eight apartments and one hundred seventy-six bedrooms scattered throughout Broward County. BHS prevents homelessness through its evidence based Permanent and Supportive Housing practice (PSH). The organization has grown rapidly with increasing revenue by fifty percent in the last few years and more than doubling the number of staff in less than a decade due to the expansion of permanent, supportive, and affordable housing inventory.

Through the referral and clinical support service of community-based mental health providers, BHS offers affordable subsidized rent to tenants and their families for only thirty percent of their gross monthly income. Various funding and support partnerships supplement the remainder.

Our Mission is to provide quality, permanent, affordable, and independent housing opportunities to meet the needs of lower-income or homeless, people who also have mental illness.

Our Vision is “A compassionate community where all low-income people with mental illness have a permanent and safe home.”

Our Core Values are Stability. Dignity. Hope.