For over 50 years, CHiPS (Community Help in Park Slope, Inc.) has been providing food and comfort to anyone who walks through its doors on Fourth Avenue between Park Slope and Gawanus in Brooklyn. CHiPS provides more than 100,000 meals a year or over 300 a day to its homeless, poor, and elderly neighbors. The on-site Frances Residence at CHiPS shelters nine mothers and their young children for up to one year. Staff, volunteers (a dedicated corps of approximately 125), and social work interns assist Food Services guests and help the young mothers access entitlements, and find jobs, childcare and permanent employment so they can live independently.
In March 2020, CHiPS transformed its Soup Kitchen into a Pop-Up take-away service to accommodate COVID-19 restrictions. CHiPS’ Food Services provide breakfast and lunch six days a week, and food pantry bags two days a week. CHiPS enjoys tremendous support from its community, including local businesses and religious partners, which provide volunteers, food and monetary donations.
CHiPS has an annual expense budget of $1.4 M and employs 7 full-time and 12 part-time staff. The majority of revenue comes from individuals and private foundations.